With the Chromatopia book’s release on 1st August 2018 here are upcoming press and events:

5th: In depth article on Chromatopia and David Coles in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald
15th: ABC Radio National Arts Hub. Interview with Eddie Ayres
15th: Official book launch and signing at Tacit Galleries, Collingwood. 6.30-8.00pm
16th: 3RRR SmartArts. Interview with Richard Watts
18th: Floor-talk on ‘The making of Chromatopia’. David Coles explains the background to the making of the book
19th: Floor-talk on ‘Mineral colours of the past’. Includes the processing of lapis lazuli, malachite & azurite
25th: Floor-talk on ’Transformation to colour’. See the process of making lead white, verdigris and others
1st: Floor-talk on ‘Lake pigments from history’. In-depth explanations on Cochineal, Weld, Madder and more
2nd: Floor-talk on ‘The making of Chromatopia’. David Coles revisits the making of the book
8th: Floor-talk on ‘Pigments become paint’. How pigments are made into paint. Includes encaustic, egg tempera and oil paint
All floor-talks are for one hour and will include book signing opportunity afterwards.